As an artist, it is essential for you to understand your rights in your creations, and what to do if you believe those rights have been violated. Whether or not art is your livelihood, you should take the steps necessary to protect your ownership rights in your work.
Join VLA for the basics of copyright law. “COPYRIGHT 101” is an introduction to U.S. copyright law for non-copyright lawyers (and non-lawyers). In an hour, it covers the following basic and timely subjects:
1. What is copyright?
2. What is copyrightable?
3. How do you get a copyright?
4. What remedies are there for copyright infringement?
5. What exceptions and limitations are there on copyright rights?
6. What is fair use and what is the most recent word from the Supreme Court about fair use?
7. Copyright on the Internet and a word about AI.
Continuing Legal Education: 1 Professional Practice CLE credit for attorneys. Approved for Non-Transitional and Transitional Attorneys.