Artists Over Sixty

VLA’s Artists Over Sixty program provides legal services and education to senior artists to address age-specific legal and business issues.  The program emphasizes the need for will drafting and estate planning services, and offers access to other legal services, including counseling on the use of artwork on the Internet and other digital media.  The program also includes special education courses directed to the needs of senior artists.

Membership benefits for Artists Over Sixty include:

  • Access to free attorney consultations for eligible matters.
  • Referral for pro bono legal assistance for qualifying members on eligible matters
  • Discounts on VLA classes, workshops, publications, and MediateArt services
  • Discounts for Member Events

VLA provides a free membership for income qualifying senior artists, and a reduced fee of $80 for all other senior artists. Membership fees are collected after your matter has been approved for VLA services.

The Artists Over Sixty program also helps maintain the Elder Artists’ Legal Resource website. This resource is a unique collaboration among Columbia Law School’s Lawyering in the Digital Age Clinic, the City University of New York Elder Law Clinic, Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, and the Research Center for Arts and Culture (RCAC). By combining forces, we have created the “next step” to ART CART’s initiative for older artists to document their work: a set of instruments to protect that work after the artist’s death. Click here to access the Elder Artists’ Legal Resource website. VLA also works closely with the Performing Arts Legacy Project to help older performers document their careers.

For more legal resources for senior artists, please visit VLA’s Resources Page.

VLA programs are supported, in part, by the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with The City Council.

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